Sunday, March 15, 2009

the phone can be a source of disease

Posted by hiyosinaga 9:32 AM, under |

In this modern era, the phone is important for life. Can not bring mobile phone-you can plan a day to be disordered. But you know if the phone can be a source of disease?

A unique research conducted by the University of Ondokuz Mayis, Turkey. They check the cleanliness phone 200 owned by a doctor and sister in a hospital.

Results of research is quite surprising. Some 35 percent of mobile phone contains two types of bacteria, and 11 percent of mobile-phone is a 3 tick species.

The most dangerous, from 1-8 mobile phone before the bacteria Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Bacteria that is harmful to the body because the body resistance. Imagine if the bacteria is spread among patients in the hospital.

From the results of the research is also envisaged that only 10 percent of doctors and sister who regularly clean up their mobile phone and washing their hands according to rules.

What about you? Is your mobile phone is quite clean