Swedish rock band origin popular hits thanks to The Final Countdown, Europe, dikabarkan new release their latest album. The concept of the album itself is quite different from earlier albums. This time Joey tempest cs spawn the album format and semi-acoustic collaboration with the Quartet strings.
Previous album recorded from a concert in Stockholm this was released in September 2008, but their new start in the American market merilisnya started 2 days ago with a different cover design. Europe claim that this album only sold 1000 copies limited edition only aliases. A number of songs from rock bands such as the old Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin which is the influence this band is also shown in this album. Color games Europe not far different from the albums of their early period to the music industry. Still show the solo-guitar solo with the typical rock 80'an a sizable portion vulturous.
This album is presented by crew-crew departed for Europe John Norum's wife, Michelle, who died in May last year. In a few months they will be back melaunching latest album
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Almost unplugged album only released in the United States 1000 pieces
Posted by hiyosinaga
8:04 PM, under |