Guitar is a musical instrument strung with gut strings having a
body with a flat back, graceful incurvarions etc. and for
playing, it is twanged by the fingers. It is called in French as
guilarre, German as Guitarre, Italian as cijitarra and in
Spanish as guitarra. The construction of the instrument is of
paramount importance in assigning to the guitar its true
position in the history of musical instruments, midway between
the cithara and the violin.
Materials Used
The back and ribs of guitar are comprised of maple, ash or
cherry-wood, frequently inlaid with rose-wood, mother of pearl,
tortoise-shell etc. while the sound board is of pine and has one
large ornamental rose sound hole. The bridge, to which the
strings are fastened, is of ebony with an ivory nut which
determines the one end of the vibrating strings, while the nut
at the end of the fingerboard determines the other. The neck and
fingerboard are made of hard wood, such as ebony, beech or pear.
The head, bent back from the neck at an obtuse angle contains
two parallel barrels or long holes through which the pegs or
metal screws pass, three on each side of the head. The correct
positions for stopping the intervals arc marked on the
fingerboard by a little metal.
The real Sound ridges called frets. The modern guitar has six
strings, three of gut and three of silk covered with silver
wire, tuned as, the thumb are assigned the three deepest strings
while the first, second and third fingers are used to twang the
highest strings. They are divided into two groups - Bass and
Treble. The bass strings are thicker and have an inner nylon
core with steel wrapped around them. The trebles are clear nylon
and thinner. The thumb finger will more often twang treble
strings than the Bass strings. Types of guitars
1.Acoustic guitars
As long ago known from the history these are used by playing
with hand. Though it is impressing many limitations are there
such as listened to a short distance, often note cannot be
recalled unless the player knows the tab well. A great-sounding
acoustic guitar will be necessary but not sufficient condition
to produce a great amplified tone.
2.Electric guitars
Electric players have known for fifty years that they needed to
learn about more than just their guitars, and have made a
science of studying their pickups, amplifiers, cord lengths,
impedance problems, effects devices, amplifying, miking
techniques, and even speaker and tube types.
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Famous Guitars Many famous companies make and sell guitars of
both types. Remarkable of them are Gibsons and Fenders Guitars.
There are many guitar centers which teach playing guitar. Online
guitar lessons are also given in some websites. They teach
guitar tabs (ie) tablature set of notations for listening and
playing), bass tablature, guitar chords, ultimate guitar tabs
etc. Some give even free lessons online. Learning Guitar -
Notations & String assignment
The notations are defined to the right hand fingers. While
writing down the fingers are indicated by letters, i for Index,
m for Middle and a for Ring finger. When written down the thumb
is indicated by the letter p. This code is to do with the Latin
names for each note. { P = Thumb I = Index M = Middle A = Ring
Finger } This can be easily remembered as PIMA.
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The names of each string read from Bass to Treble as: 6-E -bass
5-A -bass 4-D -bass 3-G - treble 2-B - treble 1-E - treble
Open string preparation and striking
When striking or plucking a string the movement in thumb should
come from above and through the string making sure that you have
a good solid contact with the string and a clear follow through.
Your finger again should come from above but they will pull
backwards into the palm of your hand. A good contact is needed
and again a clear follow through that does not collide with the
other close fingers.
Stable right hand technique
Now try to rest the thumb on the D string when the fingers are
playing and also rest each individual finger on its assigned
treble string. This gives a solid stable right hand position
that isn't floating in the air above the strings attempting to
hit a moving target. Your fingers and thumb should rest on the
string waiting to strike. Make the transition smooth, so when
replacing the thumb back on the D string pluck with the index
and begin the trebles.
Often players have a slight lift and shake in their right hand
that often limits the volume and security of your stroke, if you
repeat this exercise slowly and listening for a good sound you
will relax the hand and get a very clear sound. This is a
technique of preparation and economy of movement that will take
some time to filter its way into your existing songs and chordal
progressions. It also will build a new technique and way in
which you approach the guitar.
1.Take your time, don't go for speed first, go for accuracy.
2.Go for a nice deep stroke and listen for a rounded tone.
3.Feel secure and balanced.
4.Remember you want a technique that is as simple and as stable
as possible.
6TH String = P = E 5TH String = P = A 4TH String = P = D 3RD
String = I = G 2ND String = M = B 1ST String = A = E
Try and go up and down the guitar nice and slowly try and keep
your hand relaxed, this exercise will remind you of the feel of
the strings and how to approach the guitar.
Using standard chords
With your left hand bring in the chords of Eminor, Cmajor,
Gmajor and Dmajor. Hold the chord for at least two repetitions
of the right hand pattern going up and down the guitar. These
chords require 6 strings, 5 strings and 4 strings to be plucked
if we want the root note of each chord in the bass. This gives
your thumb a different starting point for each chord. Remember
to pivot through the changes in the left hand, try and link each
chord to the next one. No fret buzz or sloppy timing between the
hands. Complete synchronicity and always enough pressure to
sound the note without buzzing, careful that you don't put down
to much pressure.
Repetition and speed of fingers
When playing music that is formed in single lines, e.g. a guitar
solo, the melody of a tune a run or scale make sure that your
fingers alternate when plucking or striking the notes. The
simplest way to approach this is to alternate between Index &
middle fingers. These fingers are set beside each other and are
also strong fingers so they should quickly get used to this type
of alternation. The alternation gives a sense of rhythm and
groove and will enable you to play twice as fast than if you
used just your index.
Careful to always alternate index to middle. When playing the
repetition of 4 or 2 this is easier than 3 or 1, the odd numbers
create almost a little skip as you cross the string, relax your
hand and concentrate on shifting the weight from finger to
finger. Careful that you don't bring your left hand to far from
the fret board, keep it close in so each finger it can be
quickly depressed onto the strings. Tip of the fingers in the
left hand at all times.
Things to remember while playing Guitar
Sit with a forward sloping posture by tucking your feet
underneath a horizontal chair, heels off the floor. The easiest
way to have a forward sloping chair is to place a piece of wood
under the back legs of your chair. Avoid backward sloping
If you don't like sitting with your legs tucked underneath, then
just initially tuck your legs underneath until your upper torso
swings forward like a pendulum. You spine will reach a more
natural curve. Then bring your legs back to the untucked
position by only moving your feet foreword; do not let your
upper torso move back to a slumped position, although it may
swing back a very small amount.
Sit with the entire body in a symmetrical position while still
making minor movements and adjustments. Sitting well yet too
rigidly makes for poor pressure distribution. Also, try wearing
loose clothing as to allow for easier movement. Place your music
stand at horizontal lane of your eyes at a convenient distance
for your eyes.
Have a nice day,Be happy.
Find more information about learning Guitar techniques from
experts visit :
gwp">Guitar Learning - Tricks and Tips